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tamoadmin 2024-05-20 人已围观

简介一要注意语境: 合乎语境的往往是正确的。 二要注意搭配: 尤其要注意形容词与介词的搭配以及某些习惯搭配等。 三要注意比较等级的用法: 不作比较用原形,两者比较用比较级,三者或多者比较用最高级,注意有的比较对象可能在试题并不直接出现,而是隐含在一定的上下文里。另外,有关比较等级的固定结构或句型也值得特别注意。四要注意修饰:修饰名词用形容词,修饰其他形容词、副词、动词、短语等,要用副词


一要注意语境: 合乎语境的往往是正确的。

二要注意搭配: 尤其要注意形容词与介词的搭配以及某些习惯搭配等。

三要注意比较等级的用法: 不作比较用原形,两者比较用比较级,三者或多者比较用最高级,注意有的比较对象可能在试题并不直接出现,而是隐含在一定的上下文里。另外,有关比较等级的固定结构或句型也值得特别注意。四要注意修饰:修饰名词用形容词,修饰其他形容词、副词、动词、短语等,要用副词;用于连系动词后作表语通常要用形容词而不用副词;修饰比较级可用far, even, still, a lot, lots, a great deal, a bit, rather, three times, any, no, very much等,修饰最高级可用 (by) far, much, nearly, almost, not quite, by no means, very, second, next 等。

五要注意典型考点词的复现: 尤其要注意近年经常考查的.热点词though, far, enough, yet, too(太) 等。

六要注意词序: 描绘形容词→大小(长短高低)形容词→形状形容词→年龄(新旧)形容词→颜色形容词→国籍形容词→材料形容词→用途(类别)形容词→名词(动名词)。

1.Two heart attacks in a year. It hasn’t stopped him smoking, _____.

A. too B. though C. yet D. either

2. It’s time to be serious; you’ve carried this joke _____ enough.

A. how B. far C. more D. still

3. Can’t you think of a _____ word than “nice” to describe your holiday?

A. better B. best C. good D. well

4. Far from helping the situation, you’ve just made it _____.

A. worse B. more worse C. worst D. most worst

5. —Why don’t you get yourself a job? —That’s _____ said than done.

A. easy B. easier C. well D. better

6. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice _____ the nurses.

A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as

7. We _____ wanted to help, but there was nothing we could do.

A. very B. much C. badly D. hardly

8. You can’t take her promises _____: she never keeps her word.

A. heavily B. seriously C. hardly D. usefully

9. He’s not _____ angry—he’s just acting.

A. even B. really C. hardly D. only

10. I’m _____ at physics and chemistry than Mary, but better at history and geography.

A. more B. less C. worse D. better

11. We couldn’t have picked _____ day for the picnic—it rained nonstop.

A. a worse B. a worst C. the worse D. the worst

12. Since there’s no more work to do, we might just _____ go home.

A. so well B. as well C. so good D. as good

13. It was _____ opportunity to miss.

A. too good an B. a too good C. too a good D. too good

14. _____ I tried to phone him the line was engaged.

A. As often as B. As far as C. As good as D. As soon as

15. She _____, if ever, goes to the cinema.

A. always B. often C. seldom D. never


1. B。though 在此用作副词,表示转折,意为“但是”。

2. B。far 在此表示程度,相当于too。

3. A。注意句中的than,故选用比较级。

4. A。句意为“你不但没有帮助解决问题,反而使情况变得更糟”。

5. B。easier said than done是习语,意为“说起来容易做起来难”。

6. A。指薪水,故用much修饰,即选 as much as。

7. C。badly 在此表示程度,意为“相当”。

8. B。根据冒号后面的内容可知。seriously 意为“认真地”。

9. B。根据破折号后面的内容可知。

10. C。根据后面的转折连词but以及后面一句中的better可知答案。

11. A。因为后文说 it rained nonstop(雨一直下过未停),所以前文肯定是说野餐的日子未选好。前面一句的意思是“我们选作野餐的日子糟得不能再糟了”。

12. B。might just as well 是习语,意为“还是……好”。

13. A。考查too…to结构。

14. as often as 是习语,意为“每当”。

15. C。根据插入语 if ever可知,只有seldom 填入此处意思最通顺。

?第三章 ?形容词和副词





a nice long new black British plastic pen


He returned,safe but tired.


1)形容词 + 名词 + ed ?kind-hearted好心的,white-haired白发的

2) 形容词 + 形容词 red-hot炽热的,dark-blue深蓝的

3)形容词 + 现在分词 good-looking好看的,easy-going随和的

4)副词 + 现在分词 ?hard-working勤劳的,fast-moving快速转动的

5)副词 + 过去分词 ?hard-won得来不易的,newly-made新建的

6)名词 + 形容词 life-long终生的,world-famous世界闻名的

7)名词 + 现在分词 ?peace-loving爱好和平的,fun-loving爱开玩笑的

8)名词 + 过去分词 ?snow-covered白雪覆盖的,hand-made手工的

9)数词 + 名词 + ed ?four-storeyed 4层楼的,three-legged 3条腿的

10)数词 + 名词(名词用单数) ?ten-year 10年的,two-man两人的



1. “the +比较级……, the +比较级“:表示“越……越……”

The sooner you see a doctor, the better it is.你越早看医生越好。

2. the +序数词+最高级+单数可数名词:表示“第几大的”

This is the third most popular song of Michael Jackson。



1.常见的比较级的修饰语有:much, a little, a great deal, far, by far, even, will, still, a bit, a little, rather, any, (far) larger than

This movie is far more interesting than I expected.这部**比我原想的有意思的多。

2. all the +比较级:愈来愈

I worked all the harder.我工作愈来愈努力了。

3.常见的最高级的修饰语有:序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not quite, not really等

He is almost the best player.他基本上是最好的选手。

4. any修饰比较级只用于疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句

Can you do any better on this job?你这件事情能不能做得更好些?



This room is twice as big as that one.这房间的面积是那间的两倍。


This room is twice bigger than that one.这房间的面积是那间的两倍。

3.数词+times+性质名词+of (性质名词主要有:length, size, height, weight, depth等)

This room is twice the size of that one.这房间的面积是那间的两倍。

4. (not)half+as+形容词原级+as

This room is half as big as that one.这房间的面积是那间的一半。


1.不含than的比较级前可加不定冠词修饰,构成“ a/an+比较级+单数可数名词”表示“一个更……的人/物”。

Why don’t you use a sharper knife?你为什么不用一把更锋利的刀呢?


Which is the younger one, Lily or Lucy? 哪一个年龄小一些,莉莉还是鲁西?


1. as +原级+ as : 和……一样

The room is as big as that one.这间房子和那间一样大。

2. as many/much/far/long as +具体数词:到达某种程度

The number of the students in that school reaches as many as 4,000.那所学校的学生数量多达4ooo人。

3. as… as中间有名词时采用以下格式:

1) as +形容词+ a/an +单数名词+as

He is as kind a person as his father.他和他爸爸一样都是善良的人。

2) as + many/much+不可数名词/可数名词复数+as

I can carry as much paper as you can.你能搬多少纸,我也能。

I have as many books as you do.我的书和你的一样多。


1. most前若没有the,就没有比较的意思,只是加强语气,有“很,非常”之意。

This is a most interesting story。

2. 比较级+than any other

She is taller than any other girl in her class。

3. …never…+比较级…,not…ever…+比较级…

I have never heard a better voice than yours。


Nothing is more precious than time。没有比时间更珍贵的。


文章标签: # as # 形容词 # 比较级