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tamoadmin 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介As we all know,the college entrance examination is one of the most important things and we should pay much attention to it.Though we can figure out the number of the days we have before the college en


As we all know,the college entrance examination is one of the most important things and we should pay much attention to it.Though we can figure out the number of the days we have before the college entrance examination,the distance is decided by thought instead of time.

Before we have realize it,time has gone and let us sigh. The days we have can't be changed,but we can change our thinking and never feel regret.If we think the days we have are so few ,then we will try our best to learn.On the contray,if we think the days we have are lots of,then we will waste the time and achieve nothing.In a word,no matter how far is the college entrance examination,treasuring everyday to study is the most important,and when the day comes,we will never feel nervous and regret.


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