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简介1.2016-2017英语周报高三外研综合第二十四期答案,急求2.求高三英语周报外研第20期2016~2017得答案3.2017年高考英语全国卷1 - 阅读理解B4.求2016 2017高三外研版英语周报第11期 12期答案及解析5.2017届全国100所名校最新高考模拟示范卷英语卷二的答案,谢谢,跪求6.2017状元桥高考一轮总复习英语答案7.高考英语阅读理解带答案 天津高考英语阅读表达



3.2017年高考英语全国卷1 - 阅读理解B

4.求2016 2017高三外研版英语周报第11期 12期答案及解析








 When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away. When he wants to go outside, he doesn?t take Cuddles out for a walk?Cuddles takes him for a walk Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet. It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

 When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for a guide dog. Shaw, an anima lover, said he couldn?t hear to part with a dog(which usually lives about eight to ten years)and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

 Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses. He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people. They are clean friendly, smart and have great memories. They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places. Best of all, they live for 25-35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide companion for most or all of his life.

 Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse. The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice. Then he began his training.

 Through training, Shaw and Cuddles learned to find their way on busy streets, step over curbs (便道沿儿) and find elevator buttons. Cuddles even demonstrated (显示) its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls. They got along without any difficulties. Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

 56. What?s the meaning of the underlined word ?miniature? in Paragraph 1? (No more than 2 words)


 57. Why didn?t Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide? (No more than 15 words)


 58. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us? (No more than 10 words)


 59. How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles? (No more than 10 words)


 60. In your opinion, what is the ideal relationship between man and animals? (No more than 20 words)



 56. Tiny \Little\small\Very small.

 57. A dog?s life is short and Shaw could not bear to part with it.

 58.The Tiny, horses possess have many good qualities to guide people.

 On the Tiny horses possess\ have many qualities to be ideal guides,

 59. He feels that his future life will he better/easier,

 60. They should be good friends and help each other,

 Or: They should get along as friends and take care of each other.




Book 2 Units 4-5




11-15 ACBCB 16-20ACBBA

21-25 CBBDC 26-30CDACD

31-35 CCBAC 36-40BAECG

41-45 CADAB 46-50CBBAD

51-55 DCBBA 56-60ADBCC

61. It 62.the

63. untidy 64.keeps

65. fairly 66.up

67. to stop 68. that

69. of 70.where


71. Behind me being ... being → was

72. ... and obvious hadn't ...

obvious → obviously

73. The other stood ... other → others

74. ... notice him after ... after → until

75. ... rolled his eyes. his → her

76. ... when I turned back ... when → that

77. ... had been happened. 去掉been

78. Looking for him ... for → at

79. ... “Have nice day.” nice前加a

80. ... look happy. look → looking

One possible version:


In order to help foreign students learnmore about Chinese culture, two optional courses are to be offered in ourschool. The courses will be open to any student who is interested in them.

If you want to experience the beauty ofChinese language, the appreciation of poetry is the right course. It focuses onintroducing the characteristics of the poetry of Tang and Song dynasties andappreciating their beauty. The paper-cutting course is designed for those wholove using their hands. By taking the course, you will not only learn how tomake different types of paper-cutting but get familiar with its connection toChinese culture.

For more information, please contact theDean's office.





21. C。词义猜测题。由上文的I've planned to attend an emergent webinar及下文的I don't have time for this可知,作者“不情愿地(reluctantly)”穿上靴子准备遛狗。故C项正确。

22. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的I walk slowly with heavy steps, worrying about my to-do list, and Idon't notice the world around me可推断,刚开始散步时,作者感到紧张不安。

23. B。细节理解题。由第五段开头的Once again, my animal teacher is reminding me to enjoy the presentmoment可知,Rio“教育”作者要活在当下。

24. D。标题归纳题。由最后一段When we walk home, I smile broadly, spirit washed clean, ready forwhatever the day may bring可知,忙碌又焦虑的作者通过在雪地中散步心情舒畅了。故D项恰当。



25. C。细节理解题。由第一段末的People notice him because when he runs, “Barefoot Mike” runs barefoot可知,Mike跑步时备受关注是因为他没穿鞋。

26. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的accidentally stepped into a huge muddy puddle ... the wet and dirty shoe made it really hard可知,Mike当时赤脚跑步是因为他的一只鞋踩到水坑里后变得又湿又脏,极不舒服。

27. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的“It felt so good!” Mike said ...It was awesome!”可知,Mike赤脚跑了一会儿后感觉出乎意料地好。

28. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段末的Many runners have impact injuries such as knee pain. Heel-strikingmay be the cause of these injuries or may make an existing injury worse可推断,足跟着地对身体有害。


本文是说明文。文章介绍了girl Friday一词的含义和来源。

29. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的a woman who fits this role is well organized and handles a lot ofbusiness and administrative matters可知,该段提到的girl Friday应该具备较强的组织能力。

30. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的it refers to someone who is more of a personal cheerleader anddevoted friend, in other words, the female version of a “wingman.”可知,该词的意思应是陪伴和支持某人的男性朋友。

31. C。段落大意题。由最后一段中的the author of Robinson Crusoe, indirectly gave birth to the term “girl Friday”及下文可知,本段主要讲girlFriday一词的来源。

32. C。篇章结构题。文章第一段概括讲了girl Friday一词的含义,第二、三、四段分别详细说明了该词的三种含义,最后一段是该词的来源。故C项正确。



33. B。推理判断题。由Florence部分的Tickets:Adults, $8; kids ages 6 to 14, $4可知,一个成年人和两个8岁的孩子共需支付16美元。

34. A。细节理解题。由London部分的Visit the Red Zone tolearn about our planet可知,在红色区域可以了解到与地球相关的知识。

35. C。细节理解题。由文章最后一段的It opens every weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Thurs., whenthe museum is open until 8 p.m.可知,只有周四晚上可以参观加拿大自然博物馆。




36. B。B项与上文的Nancy was bornin Manhattan相呼应。

37. A。A项与上文的Nancy marriedRonald Reagan相呼应,都是讲里根夫妇的婚姻和家庭。

38. E。E项与下文的she had hired anastrologer to assist in planning the president's schedule相呼应。

39. C。下文的The book's name is ... sold many copies是对C项中的a book的介绍。

40. G。G项是对上文She also askedPresident George W. Bush to support stem cell research的解释说明。




41. C。由下文的They were high-quality pieces of furniture可推断,作者和丈夫一起“赞赏(admiring)”高档的桌椅。

42. A。由下文的They invited us to sit and enjoy a meal可知,介绍这些家具的是这个家的“主人(hosts)”。

43. D。由上文的They're antiques可知,这些古董桌椅是夫妇俩珍爱的“宝物(treasures)”。

44. A。由下文的we settled in及He leaned backin his chair可推测,饭菜被“摆上桌(served)”后,大家就座了。

45. B。由上文的grew comfortable及下文的withoutthinking, got into a bad habit. He leaned back in his chair, far enough to liftthe front legs可推断,作者的丈夫坐得有点太“舒服(comfortable)”了,以至于仰靠在椅背上时将椅子坐倒了。

46. C。作者的丈夫向后仰靠在椅背上以至于使椅子的前腿离开了“地面(floor)”。

47. B。由下文的He's a lot to put in a chair可知,作者的丈夫非常“胖(large)”。

48. B。由下文的an even worse sight — that beautiful antique chair was ... useless可推断,作者的丈夫从椅子上摔倒的瞬间发出了“可怕的(terrible)”声响。

49. A。由下文的useless可知,漂亮的古董椅子“坏了(broken)”。

50. D。由上文可知作者的丈夫把漂亮的祖传椅子坐坏了,故二人向主人真诚地“道歉(apologized)”。

51. D。珍爱的椅子坏了,主人显然很“伤心(sad)”。

52. C。主人又拿了一把祖传的椅子“邀请(invited)”作者的丈夫坐下。

53. B。由I'm glad可知,除了之前被弄坏的那把椅子,没有椅子再被“损坏(harmed)”。

54. B。由上文的they insisted they would have no problem repairing the damage ... myhusband to sit in it可知,和贵重的椅子相比,主人更看重“友好的行为(kindness)”。

55. A。主人面对祖传椅子被损坏的事实仍对作者夫妇友好相待,说明他们认为人比“财产(possessions)”重要。

56. A。他人并不总“像(as)”我们那样珍惜我们所珍惜的东西。

57. D。由上文作者的丈夫弄坏主人家的贵重椅子的例子可知,人们并不总是“小心翼翼地(carefully)”行动。

58. B。59. C。如果我们珍惜人,那就最好看淡自己的财物,“尽管(even if)”这样会使我们失去喜爱的东西。holdloosely to看淡。

60. C。祖传的椅子无法替代,人也同样无法“替代(replaced)”。


61. It。考查it的用法。设空处作形式主语,故填It。

62. the。考查定冠词。all the time意为“一直,始终”。

63. untidy。考查形容词作表语的用法。由语境可知,此处意为“他的头发不整齐”,故填untidy。

64. keeps。考查一般现在时。keep在此表示的是经常或习惯性发生的动作,且主语是第三人称单数,故填keeps。

65. fairly。考查副词。设空处修饰副词often,故填fairly(相当)。

66. up。考查副词。set up意为“建立”。

67. to stop。考查不定式作状语的用法。I与stop是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处表目的,故填to stop。

68. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句的意义和成分均完整,故填that。

69. of。考查介词。kind of意为“有点儿”。

70. where。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰Monte Carlo,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。



Book 8 Modules 5-6




11-15 ACCAB 16-20CABCB

21-25 ABCDC 26-30DABBC

31-35 BCBCD 36-40DABGC

41-45 BADDC 46-50ABCCB

51-55 ABCDA 56-60DCCBA

61. attractions 62. wonderful

63. that 64.and

65. was destroyed 66. involved

67. before 68.is

69. what 70.really


71. ... who name is ... who → whose

72. ... has pair of ... pair前加a

73. ... of white tooth. tooth → teeth

74. She is health ... health → healthy

75. ... good in her ... in → at

76. ... gets higher marks ... higher → high

77. ... liked her very ... liked → like

78. ... also plays the ... plays → play

79. ... she is asking ... asking → asked

80. ... very much popular ... 去掉much

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Green,

I am Li Hua, and I stayed in your hotel aweek ago. I really enjoyed the time in your hotel, especially the excellentservice provided by your kind staff. But I have to ask a favor of you now. Itwas not until I got back home that I found that I had left my diary in yourhotel. There are some nice photos taken in New York and notes on my travelexperiences in the diary. It means so much to me that I couldn't sleep and eatwell without it. I wonder if you could find time to look for it and if you findit, be so kind as to mail it to me as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your reply.






本文是应用文。How ChildrenSucceed一书的作者Paul Tough就记者提出的一些问题作出了回答。

21. A。细节理解题。根据第一部分中的How Children Succeed is an attempt to answer those questions ... 可知,Paul Tough创作这本书是为了探讨一些问题,找到这些问题的答案。

22. B。细节理解题。根据第二部分中的what seems to have more of an effect is the chaotic environmentsthat many low-income kids grow up in可知,Paul Tough认为生活环境对贫穷孩子的影响更大。

23. C。词义猜测题。根据第三部分中的I don't think it's quite true that failure itself helps us succeed.In fact ... 可推测,Paul Tough认为失败本身并不可以帮助我们成功。实际上,反复的失败对孩子的成长“有害”。

24. D。细节理解题。根据最后一部分中的what I'm more concerned about is his character可知,Paul Tough现在更加关注孩子的性格培养。



25. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的he painted his first mural, dinosaurs, on the headboard of hisparents' bed可知,怀兰的第一幅壁画是在他父母卧室的床头板上创作的。

26. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的He explains that through his mind's eye he can look at a blankcanvas and form a picture of the finished mural in his mind可知,通过“头脑中的眼睛”,怀兰可以想象出他的成品是什么样的。由此不难推测,怀兰“头脑中的眼睛”指的就是他的想象力。

27. A。篇章结构题。根据文末的Wyland might just be the best friend a whale could have可知,这里指怀兰努力保护的鲸鱼也许并不知道“怀兰或许是它们最好的朋友”。

28. B。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,罗伯特·怀兰常在建筑物的墙壁或者天花板上绘制巨型海洋生物,尤其是鲸鱼。他希望通过自己的努力,保护包括鲸鱼在内的海洋生物,因此用“鲸鱼王子”称呼他一点也不为过。



29. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的there would be 14 percent fewer child marriages及64 percent fewer girls would be locked into marriage at an age whenthey should still be in school不难看出,这些数据说明了教育能够防止童婚。

30. C。句意理解题。根据第四段内容可知,受过教育的母亲能保护她们的孩子少得病并且避免营养不良,也就是说,受过教育的母亲能够让孩子更健康。

31. B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的used education to build her female students' confidence and toencourage them to stand up for their rights可知,Khalique是一位为女性权利奋战的斗士。

32. C。篇章结构题。本文的主体结构是“总—分—总”。作者分别从教育能够有效防止童婚(第二、三段)、提高孩子们的健康水平(第四段)并且使得女性站出来争取自己的权利(第五段)三个方面说明让贫困国家的女孩和女性受教育的重要性。



33. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的people under 35 are now demanding food that's fresh and healthful —as well as fast及第二段中的That's good newsfor ... 可推测,Josephine出售高质量的食物,满足了人们对于食物新鲜、健康的要求。

34. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第四段内容不难看出,Josephine与Willard中学的合作使得双方都受益。

35. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的People were happy and pleased to come here and get their meals, andI think that's their right可知,McGhee认为人们有权利选择去哪里购买食物,由此可推测,她对于那些禁卖条令很不满。




36. D。根据本空上一句内容可知,“一年级的学生应该只有十分钟的作业”。

37. A。 “很多孩子因为家庭作业而生病”就是上一句提到的学生负担过重引发的弊端之一。

38. B。虽然作业是老师布置的,但是作业多也不能全怪老师,因为“很多老师比以往任何时候都压力大”。本段末句的it指代的就是B项中的pressure。

39. G。根据本空后的However可知,本空与本空后之间为转折关系。再根据本空后的no correlation, only a small correlation及More is not better可知,本空应该是说“一些老师和家长认为布置很多作业有好处”。

40. C。根据本段中的has limited homework, keeping to the “10 minute rule.”及assignhomework only when you feel the assignment is valuable不难看出,“一些学校已经采取措施改善(作业多的)问题”。




41. B。根据本空前后的hard work及feel so good可以看出,本空前后为转折关系,故but符合此处语境。

42. A。43. D。根据第一段内容可知,作者总是热心助人,因此当他“听说(heard about)”一个叫Logan的小男孩在一场事故中严重受伤时,他想要“帮忙(help)”。

44. D。根据下段中的a few days before the sale可知,义卖还没有举行,因此这里指作者和朋友“决定(decided)”举办一场义卖活动。

45. C。筹集两千美元是作者和朋友的“目标(goal)”。

46. A。作者和朋友在网上宣布这次“义卖(sale)”活动是因为网络受众广、消息传播快,因此会有很多人来参加。

47. B。根据下一句中的on the phone可知,作者接到了一个怒气冲冲的“电话(call)”。

48. C。根据下段中的She called Logan's aunt back可知,打电话的是Logan的“姨妈(aunt)”。

49. C。根据本段第一句中的angry可知,Logan的姨妈很“生气(annoyed)”。

50. B。51. A。根据本段中的angry及we were taking advantage of her family's terrible tragedy可推测,由于作者和朋友并没有把自己帮助Logan的“计划(plan)”告诉Logan的父母,所以Logan的姨妈认为作者和朋友是在利用她家的惨事赚取同情,为“他们自己(ourselves)”谋利。由于本文为第一人称叙述,故这里用ourselves指作者和朋友自己。

52. B。根据本句中的but和下句作者向奶奶求助可推测,作者向Logan的姨妈解释,但是她并不“听(listen)”作者的解释。

53. C。本句中的I was a child ... 就是奶奶向Logan的姨妈“解释(explained)”的内容。

54. D。根据上文内容不难看出,作者做的所有事都是“试图(tried)”提供帮助。

55. A。根据本段开头的Finally可推测,最后所有的事情都“解决了(settled)”。

56. D。根据上文内容可知,由于作者计划不周,他的热心肠反而带来了“麻烦(trouble)”。

57. C。根据本空前后句中的I still devote myself to helping及I'll be a lot more careful可知,作者仍然全力以赴帮助他人,“但是(However)”他会更加谨慎。

58. C。需要帮助的家庭应该是“悲惨的(sad)”。

59. B。根据上文内容可知,作者没有知会Logan的父母就在网上发布了为帮助Logan而举办的义卖活动,由此可知,作者助人的方式有问题,因此作者以后会在“如何(how)”助人方面更加小心。

60. A。根据上文内容可知,Logan的姨妈认为作者和朋友是在利用她家的惨事赚取同情,为自己谋利,这显然“伤害了(hurting)”他们,因此作者以后要避免类似事情的发生。


61. attractions。考查名词。设空处与landmarks并列,且意为“有吸引力的事物”,故填attractions。

62. wonderful。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰city且意为“奇妙的”,故填wonderful。

63. that。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句且在从句中作宾语,且先行词前有序数词,故填that。

64. and。考查连词。between ... and ... 意为“在……和……之间”。

65. was destroyed。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由World War Two可知,destroy所表示的动作发生在过去,且most of the historic centre与destroy之间是被动关系,故填wasdestroyed。

66. involved。考查过去分词作定语的用法。be involved in意为“参与”,此处省略了that/ who were。

67. before。考查连词。工人们在受雇前要参加考试,故填before。

68. is。考查主谓一致。主语的中心词是thing,且由上下文可知此处用一般现在时,故填is。

69. what。考查连接词。设空处引导主语从句且在从句中作宾语,再结合句意可知应填what。

70. really。考查副词。设空处修饰动词love,故填really。



I. 1-4 BCCA


11-15 CBDAD 16-20BDCBA





1. B。推理判断题。根据第一部分内容,尤其是So if you fondly remember your mom taking care of you when you weresick, some medicine may smell like heaven to you可知,喜欢闻别人觉得难闻的味道跟自己的美好回忆有关。

2. C。写作目的题。根据第二部分中的However可知,作者以JamesWatson的梦为例说明有些梦含有奇思妙想,以Jerry的梦为例说明有些梦毫无意义。

3. C。细节理解题。根据第三部分中的you should meet more people and spend time with them可知,作者建议当事人与更多的人交往。

4. A。文章出处题。根据文中的Am I wrong, I'm worried that they may include brilliant ideas, but Ican't remember them及IT SCARES ME可知,本文跟心理学有关。第三部分中的says psychologist Alan Hilfer也是提示。




1. B。根据本空前的内容可知,广告无处不在,“以致于(so that)”我们现在对广告视而不见。

2. D。根据下文内容,尤其是effect(s), affecting可知,Branded一书揭露了广告如何“影响(affected)”青少年。

3. C。众所周知,学校是“学习(learning)”的地方。

4. D。根据本段末的sponsors可知,越来越多的学校得到公司的“赞助(sponsored)”。

5. A。根据本段中的Our public schools ... now contain too many advertisements可知,如今学校里有太多的广告,就连英语课上都需要设计赞助商的“广告(advertising)”宣传语。

6. C。根据本句中的technique及下句对seeding的解释可知,seeding是一种营销“方法(method)”。

7. A。8. B。9. D。根据常识及本句中的buy their products可知,公司的目的是盈利,因此它们把免费的商品“分发(give out)”给学校最受欢迎的青少年,“希望(hoping)”大家都效仿这些“受欢迎的(popular)”孩子,购买它们的商品。本句中的the “most popular” teens提示了第9题答案。

10. A。根据下句中的The Converse craze可知,曾经掀起的匡威热已经“证明了(proven)”seeding行之有效。

11. C。根据上句中的during the 1980s可知,这里指20世纪80年代的那“十年(decade)”。

12. B。根据本段内容不难看出,整容手术行业对青少年的影响“更加让人不安(more disturbing)”。

13. D。根据本句中的increased from 65,231 to 79,501可知,这里指2013年到2014年18岁及以下青少年接受整容手术的“数量(number)”。

14. A。下文中的perfect提示了本题答案。

15. D。根据本空后的hair dye可知,这里指推销染发剂之类的“产品(products)”。

16. B。广告的作用就是宣传商品或者服务,以鼓动别人购买或使用,因此这里指广告中的模特“鼓励(encouraging)”青少年整形。

17. D。根据下段末的society's vision of “perfect”可知,这里指被社会“大众(publicly)”接受的“完美”样子。

18. C。根据本空后的deal with可推测,Alissa Quart写Branded的目的就是希望帮助人们“了解(realize)”并应对广告对青少年的影响。

19. B。根据常识可知,广告就是公开赞扬(某事物)以鼓动别人购买或使用,因此说它会影响我们的“想法(minds)”。

20. A。人们整形的目的就是要与社会大众接受的“完美”样子“一致(fit in with)”。

2017年高考英语全国卷1 - 阅读理解B


Book 7 Modules 3-4



1-5 ACACC 6-10 BCBAC

11-15 ACCBB 16-20 CCBAA

21-25 CABBA 26-30 ACBAB

31-35 BADDA 36-40 GDBAF

41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BDBAB

51-55 CDCAA 56-60 CBBAC

61. impression 62. the

63. more dangerous 64. by

65. where 66. have returned

67. closely 68. how

69. healthy 70. to study


71. ... to their mothers. to → for

72. ... flowers were what ... were → was

73. ... I want to ... want → wanted

74. ... something differently.

differently → different

75. ... back to home ... 去掉to

76. ... my warmest wish. wish → wishes

77. ... what were very ... what → which

78. ... I read it ... it → them

79. ... I gave in ... in → up

80. ... told mother that ...

mother前加my或mother → Mother

One possible version:


Our school is to invite Wang Kuan, who washonored as one of the “People Who Moved China” in 2015, to give us a report inthe lecture hall on November 18th. The purpose is to inspire us to show concernabout the disadvantaged groups. In his lecture, Mr. Wang will share how headopted six orphans and took good care of them. He will also explain to us whathe thinks love is. The lecture starts at 3:00 pm and will last for two hours.All students are expected to be present on time and listen carefully. Pleasedon't miss it.

Students' Union

November 14




本文是应用文。Kaplan 教育集团是全球教育领域的领先者,本文对其优势做了简要介绍。

21. C。细节理解题。根据Why Prepare With Kaplan?部分中的make students feel confident和feel confident on Test Day可知,Kaplan帮助考生建立信心,从而取得好成绩。

22. A。词义猜测题。根据Personalized Learning部分可知,Kaplan提供个性化学习方案,即:通过老师和家庭的合作,Kaplan为学生“制定适合”他们个性化需求和目标的课程。

23. B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,Kaplan不仅帮助学生获得自信、提供个性化的学习方案,还有全面的保证条款,这些都是Kaplan作为一家教育机构的优势。



24. B。细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的Driving in Britain is such a dull experience these days,第二段中的there isn't a single feature of driving in Britain that has even thetiniest measure of enjoyment in it及第三段中的annoyances, horrible and awful可知,作者决定乘坐公共交通工具旅行是因为他讨厌在英国开车。

25. A。细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,作者抱怨停车的种种不便:找停车位费时间、停车位狭窄、停车场收费机器不仅远而且不提供找零。

26. A。写作手法题。根据最后一段中的like traffic lights ... and motorway service areas ... 及They occupy ... appear in great numbers可知,作者通过举例说明开车是件令人厌烦的事情以及机动车对城市面貌的破坏。

27. C。篇章结构题。根据本文最后一句中的I wanted nothing to do with them on this trip及文中作者运用大量笔墨证明在英国开车是件令人厌烦的事情可推测,下文最有可能描述的是作者这次乘坐公共交通工具旅行的经历。



28. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的plays music from her past for her. “That's Louis Armstrong,” she says ... She then recalls exact details from her life可知,这位老人的记忆是被她过去听过的一首歌唤醒的。

29. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的form strong memories及help formmemories. Even many years later, hearing the music can bring back memories ofthese long-past events可知,本段主要讨论了音乐可以帮助人们形成深刻的记忆,多年后都可能被唤醒。

30. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的they're in a strange place and there're not a lot of circumstancesin which someone could pull out those memories可知,如果患有痴呆症的老人住在养老院的话,由于处在不熟悉的环境中,他们很难找回回忆,因此我们应该给这些老人提供熟悉的环境,以便他们唤醒失去的记忆。

31. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的few studies have explored its influence on memory recall in peoplewith dementia. “It's really an untappedarea,”可知,关于音乐唤醒痴呆病人记忆功效的研究是项全新的研究。



32. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The novel is a tale of various mysteries, all expertly put into awell-structured story by a very skillful author不难看出,这本小说写得很好。

33. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的But the care taken to write the translations neatly in the limitedspaces available on each page bespeaks a woman's hand可知,作者认为在有限的空间整整齐齐地标注很费劲,而能够完成这项细致工作的应该是位女性。

34. D。推理判断题。根据文中作者通过书中的蛛丝马迹对这本书之前的主人做出各种猜测可以看出,作者观察入微并且富有想象力。

35. A。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者根据一本平装书中的蛛丝马迹对这本书之前的主人做出了各种猜测,因此本文可以说是关于“一本平装书的故事”。




36. G。根据下句中的playing such games could make children act violently可知,“一些堆满了尸体的游戏”可能会让孩子们行为暴力。

37. D。D项“认为可以打你不喜欢的人”符合本空前的aggressivethoughts and behaviors。

38. B。根据下句中的People ... without any training ... people ... learned to controlthemselves first可推测,“在玩游戏前,有些人接受了训练,而有些人没有”。

39. A。A项“潜在的罪犯在家玩新游戏”是对本空前问题的“一个可能的解释”。

40. F。根据本文标题及全文内容可知,本文主要讨论了暴力电子游戏带来的是趣味还是伤害,故本文最后可能问的是读者对暴力电子游戏的看法:你认为“暴力电子游戏会引起不好的行为吗?”




41. A。根据本空前的smiles及下文多处出现的facial可知,这里指不仅我们的微笑,我们所有的“面部(facial)”表情都具有感染性。

42. D。本空前后部分之间为因果关系,故because符合此处语境。

43. D。更好地理解别人的感受“使得(allowing)”我们能够做出相应的反应。

44. A。上段中的paper提示了本题答案。

45. C。根据本空后的The model ... “try it out”可知,大脑中存在一个模型,这可能是这种模仿行为的内在“动因(cause)”。

46. B。根据本句中的they instantly “try it out”可推测,这里指人们“看到(see)”一个表情后会马上试着做出相同的表情。

47. D。根据本句中的remind them of their feelings then可推测,这里指大脑找到有关这个表情“之前的(previous)”记忆,提醒人们当时做这个表情时的感受。

48. B。根据上段中的respond accordingly及常识可知,在人际交往过程中,人们需要根据情况对他人做出“恰当的(proper)”回应。

49. A。根据上句中的their feelings可知,这里指人们模仿别人表情后引发的“情感(emotional)”反应。

50. B。这里指本段中的when people ... In this way, they can act ... 这一“过程(process)”。

51. C。52. D。根据本段中的without thefacial muscles actually making it及smile可知,有时候面部肌肉不动就能做出一个“表情(expression)”,下句“举例(Forexample)”说明。

53. C。根据本句中的smile及常识可知,笑的时候“嘴(mouths)”角上扬。

54. A。55. A。通过面部模仿“弄清楚(Figuring out)”别人的感受是我们主要的社交任务之一,但是并不是每个人都能“轻易(easy)”做到。本段中的have difficulty提示了第55题答案。

56. C。57. B。由于患有面瘫等行动障碍的人无法做出各种表情,因此他们不能通过模仿别人的表情理解并“分享(sharing)”别人的感受,也就是说通往别人感受的大门对他们而言是“关闭(closed)”的。

58. B。本文多次出现的understand(ing)提示了本题答案。

59. A。根据本空前的However, he also可知,这里指Kevin Ochsner除了指出模仿面部表情的作用外,他还“指出了(noted)” 模仿面部表情的不足。

60. C。根据本空前的not give clear clues可知,由于面部表情有时给出的提示并不清晰,因此靠面部模仿充分理解一个人所有状况下的情感状态是不“够的(enough)”。


61. impression。考查名词。设空处由the限定,且意为“印象”,故填impression。

62. the。考查定冠词。on the contrary意为“正相反”。

63. more dangerous。考查形容词比较级。由than可知,此处需填比较级,故填moredangerous。

64. by。考查介词。此处意为“被一头大白鲨咬”,故填by。

65. where。考查关系副词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。

66. have returned。考查现在完成时。由over the past 10 years可知应用现在完成时,且that指代many great whites,故填have returned。

67. closely。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,且意为“紧密地”,故填closely。

68. how。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且修饰many,故填how。

69. healthy。考查形容词作宾补的用法。此处意为“健康的”,故填healthy。

70. to study。考查不定式作宾语的用法。hard to do sth.意为“做某事很难”。

求2016 2017高三外研版英语周报第11期 12期答案及解析

I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in LocustValley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.


I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.


I examined the chick and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.


The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.


Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.


A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all — LUNCH!The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.



2016 2017高三外研版英语周报第11期答案及解析

Book 4 Modules 3-4




11-15 CAACB 16-20CAABC

21-25 ADCCB 26-30ABBAB

31-35 BCCBC 36-40FBDGE

41-45 CADBB 46-50DCCAD

51-55 BCBAA 56-60DBACC

61. environmental 62. successfully

63. to 64.where

65. began 66.fastest

67. them 68.have been rejected

69. to harvest 70. the


71. ... jog near my home ... jog → jogging

72. ... in a morning. a → the

73. ... with a purpose. with → without

74. Then next day ... next前加the

75. ... that amazed me ... that → what

76. ... at them cheerful ...

cheerful → cheerfully

77. ... not my friend ... friend → friends

78. ... tomorrow and sometime.

and → but

79. By giving up ... 去掉up

80. ... who benefit most.

benefit → benefits

One possible version:

Dear Andy,

How are you doing these days? I'd like totell you something about the annual Campus Book Fair in my school.

It was held on the afternoon of lastThursday in order to encourage teachers and students to read more. The latestbooks of different types brought by the booksellers were displayed for us toread and purchase. Teachers and students also sold or exchanged their usedbooks.

I like the fair very much, which not onlyintroduced us to a lot of interesting books but allowed us to buy books at alower price. Besides, it gave us a chance to make new friends. Do you havesimilar activities in your school?

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua





21. A。推理判断题。由第二段末的Now that I've gotten into college, however, my life seems almostwell ... pointless及第三段开头的Foryears, getting into Stanford was my only goal. So what if I lost my friends andeven my own personality to pursue this dream可推断,作者为考上斯坦福大学的得与失而困惑。倒数第二段开头的For now, my future is vague. To others, I may seem extremelyexcited, but inwardly, I am conflicted也是提示。

22. D。细节理解题。由第三段末的I sent the teacher an email informing her of Hannah's difficulty ...sacrifice my grade可知,作者为了不影响自己在团队项目中的成绩向老师抱怨Hannah不太好的表现。

23. C。词义猜测题。由上文的paint myself as a typical Stanford student及下文的what's better than a girl who loves engineering可推断,作者在自己的大学申请中将自己描述成了一个渴望成为工程师的人。故C项恰当。

24. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段末的Instead of haggling for points with my teachers ... I should haveexplored my talents and interests可推断,作者后悔自己读高中时太在乎成绩,应当更注重开发自己的潜能和兴趣。据此可推断C项正确。



25. B。段落大意题。由第一段中的what people accept as hope is a ... Hope in ancient Greek is “elpis” meaning ... 可知,本段主要讲hope的含义。

26. A。推理判断题。由第二段末的Not giving up on his hope, he worked hard toward it and at last hebecame president of Anglo Gold Ashanti可知,Jonah的例子主要是为了证明有希望才会有成功。

27. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的Someone may say “I've tried andfailed several times” ... they alsofailed; however, they didn't give up on their hope可知,要想成功就不能轻言放弃。

28. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲了希望的含义以及希望对于成功的重要性,并鼓励人们心怀希望,并不轻易放弃。故B项最恰当。



29. A。细节理解题。由第二段末句There's a reason, he says, that sad people commonly describe theworld as “colorless,” and “gray,” and happy people use words like “bright” and “colorful.”可知,人们描述世界的方式可以反映出他们的感受。

30. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的the researchers randomly assigned people to one of two groups.People in the “sadness” group watched a sad scene from The Lion King. Those in the “amusement” group watcheda comedy可推断,实验中让一部分参与者看《狮子王》中悲哀的场面是为了让他们感到伤心,让另一部分人看喜剧是为了让他们开心,进而为之后的实验做准备。

31. B。细节理解题。由第四段中的Some of the patches are pretty difficult to make out ... People werescored on how accurate their color perception was可知,实验中将不同颜色的斑点处理得略带灰色是为了使它们较难辨认。

32. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段末的they did not have problems seeing colors in the red-green spectrum... response to anger可知,伤心的人较容易辨认出红色。



33. C。细节理解题。由文中的These special nights enable a family ... at no charge可知,该活动对成年人和儿童都免费。

34. B。细节理解题。由文中的Kids 14 and under are invited to complete a fitness challenge uponarrival to earn free admission to the event可知。

35. C。细节理解题。由文中的designed to help grown-ups and children develop a lifetime ofhealthy habits可知,该组织致力于帮助人们养成健康的生活习惯。




36. F。F项是对上文的strengths的举例说明,且与下文的Maybe you'll become an auto mechanic相呼应。

37. B。B项与上文的Did you fail acourse?并列,并与上文的few mistakes aredisastrous相呼应。

38. D。由下文Cecilia的例子可推断,在某些方面的成功能使一个人具备成功人士的素质和心态,进而在其它方面也获得成功。

39. G。G项中的who were also achievers与上文的Cecilia's grades improved相呼应。

40. E。E项与上文的I've met peoplefrom top universities who have experienced unemployment and even homelessness都是对本段主题句Getting into a top university — or any university — will notguarantee success的具体解释说明。




41. C。由上文的when cancer crashes down on your life plans及下文的Drown in sorrow可推断,当一个人得知自己患癌症后通常会“哭(Cry)”。

42. A。由上文的pick yourself up and enjoy the glory of及下文的with a mission to serve可推断,癌症患者在伤心过后会振作起来,享受“活着(alive)”的幸福,并努力做些事情。

43. D。由上文的my life's goal可知,在患癌症之前,作者的人生目标是“说服(persuade)”自己的丈夫再生一个宝宝。

44. B。由下文的I felt lost可推断,患癌症后,作者的梦想破灭了。故选dead。

45. B。由下文的the body heals much faster可推断,“治疗(treatment)”结束后,作者感到很茫然。

46. D。由上文的I felt lost及下文的the bodyheals much faster than ... 可推断,作者感到生存是如此“艰难(difficult)”。

47. C。由上文的When I was done with my ... I felt lost可推断,身体恢复得比“精神(soul)”快很多。

48. C。由上文的What was my calling now ... I felt I should help save others可推断,作者想要给那些有生命和健康危险的人带来“不同(difference)”。

49. A。一位朋友告诉作者,在以色列,心血管疾病“致死(kills)”的女性比所有因癌症而死的女性还要多。

50. D。由下文的If women knew可推断,女性甚至不“知道(know)”心血管疾病的危害。

51. B。如果女性知道心脏病的“起因(causes)”和前兆,她们就能挽救自己的生命。

52. C。由上段可知,通过和朋友的谈话,作者“找到了(found)”自己的使命。

53. B。由上段末的If women knew ... signs of heart disease, they could save theirlives可推断,作者开始致力于提高人们对心脏病的“认识(awareness)”。

54. A。作者帮助那些健康风险“严重(severe)”的人了解心脏病。

55. A。作者的努力促使议会委员们讨论心脏健康,这令作者感到非常“满足(satisfaction)”。

56. D。由上文的Status of Women及第四段末的If womenknew ... signs of heart disease, they could save their lives可推断,议会委员们讨论了“女性的(women's)”心脏健康。

57. B。由第三段中的I felt I should help save others可知,癌症治愈后,作者帮助保护很多人的“生命(lives)”。

58. A。59. C。由作者经历癌症后大有成就的事例可知,“灾难(Disasters)”可以让一个人变得“更好(better)”。

60. C。你只需要向前迈几步,再凭借一点点运气,“转变(transformation)”就会发生。


61. environmental。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰名词impact,故填形容词environmental。

62. successfully。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,故填副词successfully。

63. to。考查介词。up to意为“多达”。

64. where。考查关系副词。设空处引导限制性定语从句且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。

65. began。考查一般过去时。由Since可知begin所表示的动作发生在过去,故填began。

66. fastest。考查形容词最高级。句中含表示范围的in the fresh produce market,且设空处前有the限定,故填fast的最高级fastest。

67. them。考查代词。设空处指代前面的“Ugly” fruits and vegetables,且在此作sell的宾语,故填them。

68. have been rejected。考查虚拟语气。由once(曾经)可知,设空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,且produce与reject之间是被动关系,故填have beenrejected。

69. to harvest。考查不定式作宾补的用法。send sb. to do sth.意为“派某人去做某事”。

70. the。考查定冠词。“the +形容词”表示一类人,此处意为“饥饿的人们”。







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1-5 ACDAD 6-10ADCAB11-15 BADCD 16-20ACDCB21-25 BBCDC 26-30 ACADC31-35DDBAC 36-40 CABAD41-45 CBDAA 46-50 DBCBD51-55 BACCB 56-60 DCBBC61-65 ACAAB66-70 DCBBA71-75 CDFAE76. When she gets excited. / When something goes herway.77. She felt embarrassed / awkward.78. Not to do the “silly dance” inpublic.79. She will continue to sing. / She won’t stop singing.80. Beingoneself. / Being who he / she is.短文改错:81. ... friend callingEmily. calling → called82. ... things that like ... 去掉that83.... what she asked ... asked后加for84. ... she hasborrowed! has → had85. ..., though she said ... though → but86. ... she couldremember ... could → couldn't或could后加not87.... made the list ... the → a88. ... gave them to ... them → it89. For mysurprise, ... For → To90. ... a dirt T-shirt. dirt → dirtyOne possibleversion:Dear Editor,Rubbish is now one of the main environmental problems.Withthe increasing population, more and more rubbish is produced every day and somerubbish does great harm to the environment: it pollutes the air, the soil andthe water. Today many cities are troubled by mountains of rubbish. It not onlyaffects our daily life but results in serious illnesses.We must find a betterway to deal with rubbish. First of all, rubbish should be put in differentplaces according to whether they can be recycled or not. Secondly, everybodymust realise that it is everybody's duty to keep the environment clean.Finally, I think that laws must be passed on how to deal with rubbish.Yourssincerely, Li Hua部分解析单项填空:21.D。have a(n) ... effect on sb. 对某人有…… 影响;growth在句中意为“成长”,是不可数名词,且其后有of children限定,表特指,故其前用the。22.C。根据答语中的Sorry 及表示转折的but可知,此处指“事情很紧急(urgent)”。concerned担心的;major 主要的;scary恐怖的,吓人的。23. A。hold 与the sports meet 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,又根据the day after tomorrow 可知hold 这一动作尚未发生,故用不定式的一般式的被动语态作定语,修饰the sports meet。24. B。玛丽总是被鼓励去游泳的目的是增强腿部的“力量(strength)”。energy精力,活力;protection保护;position 位置。25. D。haveno choice but to do sth. 别无选择只能做某事;do nothing but do sth. 什么都不做,只是做某事。26. B。根据答语“那很危险”可知应答者不让孩子们晚上出去。Absolutely not!(绝对不行!当然不可以!)符合语境。hopefully 希望如此;thankfully谢天谢地;rarely极少地。27. B。分析句子结构可知,空格后为定语从句,且定语从句中缺少地点状语,故选where,相当于inwhich。28. C。根据答语“别担心。我喜欢软一点的”可知,上句是说“融化(melts)前赶快吃掉你的冰淇淋”。expand 膨胀;dissolve溶解;recycle再循环。29.A。complain to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨某事。30. A。该句中make 后接复合宾语,to get there on time 是真正的宾语,故用it 作形式宾语。31. D。根据tomorrow 可知用将来时。这是一个there be句型,故选D项。32. D。题意:塑料燃烧时会散发出(give out)气体,这种气体对人有害并且会严重污染大气。take in 吸收;takeaway 拿走;give up放弃。33. B。由“没有多少时间了”可知,应选ina nutshell(简言之,概括地讲)。in other words 换句话说;ina way 在某种程度上;one after another 一个接一个地。34. A。根据上句“我想这不是个坏主意”可知,I couldn't agree with you more.(我完全同意)符合语境。35. C。根据答语中的Yes 可知,应答者将尽力按时完成这项工作。I'll do my best我将尽力而为。完形填空:话题:个人情感本文是夹叙夹议文。一位年轻人从松鼠跳跃树枝得到启发,从而鼓起勇气,决心为心仪的职位冒一次险。36. C。让你垂涎的梦想就是你想用尽一切办法使之成为“现实(reality)”的梦想。37.A。由下文的... take a risk ..., he landed safely in a position 可知,这位年轻人在工作中遇到了麻烦,不知如何“面对(face)”。38.B。由下文的But it still landed ... on a branch several feet lower可知,松鼠是从一棵“高(high)”树跳到另一棵。39.A。松鼠想跳到另外一棵树的树枝上。aim for 以……为目标。40.D。由下文的the jump looked impossible可知,松鼠离它想跳的树枝很远。out of reach够不到。41. C。由下文But一词可知,松鼠没有跳到它想跳的树枝上。miss 在此处为failto reach之意。42. B。虽然未达到目标,但松鼠仍然“安全地(safely)”跳到了较低的树枝上。下文的never seen one of them get hurt是提示。43. D。松鼠继续跳跃,最终到了自己“想要(wanted)”到达的那根树枝。44. A。老人认为松鼠不断跳跃的场面很“有趣(funny)”。45.A。很多松鼠如年轻人看到的松鼠一样“跳跃(jump)”。46.D。“很多松鼠错过目标”与“从未看到一只松鼠受伤”之间是转折关系,故选but。47.B。由下文的to take a chance 可知,松鼠“冒险(risk)”去跳跃树枝。48.C。松鼠是在树之间跳跃。49. B。松鼠尝试从很高的树跳跃到另外一棵高树上,是做好了准备去冒险。be prepared to do sth.准备做某事;乐意做某事。50. D。年轻人看到松鼠跳跃树枝的勇敢,反问自己是否缺少“勇气(courage)”面对工作中的困境。51. B。由下文的he landed safely in a position可知,年轻人“决定(decided)”冒险做他想做的事情。52. A。年轻人所得到的这个职位是他原来觉得“决不(never)”可能的。53.C。54. C。由松鼠跳跃树枝的故事可知,定下如奔向月亮的远大志向,“纵使(Evenif)”不能到达,也会跻身于繁星之中,也会比你现在的位置更高、更好。end up以……结束。55.B。既然人生短暂,时光易逝,为何不努力去实现最精彩的人生呢?possible可能发生的。阅读理解:A篇(自然)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了美国历史上一次严重的气候灾难。56. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的the wind picked up earth 和第三段的theangry mountain of dust 可知,黑色星期天发生的是一场沙尘暴。57. C。推理判断题。根据第三段Lila Lee说的I was sure I was going to die 可知,面对1935年那场沙尘暴,她感到非常惊恐。58. B。篇章结构题。根据上文可知,正是因为粘合土壤的草皮被铲掉,才导致沙尘暴的发生。59. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的During World War Ⅰ, there was good rain and wheat prices were high. Butafter the war, prices dropped 可知,一战以后,小麦价格下跌导致了一些人放弃了土地。B篇(周围的人)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了十二岁女孩Anna Koppelman 创办慈善组织来帮助他人的故事。60. C。推理判断题。从第三段的I got there and saw the kids' faces light up 可知,孩子们脸上喜悦的笑容说明了安娜初次举办的慈善生日宴会很成功。61. A。细节理解题。根据第四段的she has been amazed at the amount of time, energy, and resources peoplehave been willing to donate to her cause 可知,很多人支持安娜的慈善组织。62. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的encourages others to form Birthday Fairies clubs 和最后一段的she'dlike to see Birthday Fairies clubs in schools across the United States and inother parts of the world 可知,安娜希望传播她的善举。63. A。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了十二岁女孩Anna Koppelman 开办慈善组织Birthday Fairies 来帮助他人的故事。A项中的A sweet cause 指代Anna Koppelman 所从事的慈善活动是一项能带给人们美好、甜蜜的事业。C篇(热点话题)本文是议论文。文章就图书馆是否应该提供视频游戏进行了讨论。64. A。细节理解题。休斯顿公共图书馆的事例是对上一句Adding video games has helped some libraries attractmore visitors 的进一步补充。由于提供视频游戏,休斯顿公共图书馆的访问者越来越多。65. B。词义猜测题。文章第一段的调查报告显示人们对图书馆提供视频游戏的喜爱,而第二段however 的转折引出了人们对此事的讨论,由此可知,并不是所有人都赞成图书馆提供视频游戏。故该短语有“支持”的意思。66.D。主旨大意题。本文作者从一项研究报告开始,引用两位读者的观点,展开了对图书馆是否应该提供视频游戏的讨论。D篇(旅游)本文是应用文。文章是一项迷你冒险活动的广告宣传。67. C。细节理解题。由文中的Return ferry crossing toVancouver Island 可知,此次活动有乘船旅行部分。68. B。细节理解题。由Activities You Can Choose (paid locally)部分所列的Whale watching US$70-$90 可知,观看鲸鱼是可以自由选择的活动。69. B。细节理解题。由文中的Accommodation:3 nights campingwith equipment(except the sleeping bag)可知,游客需自备睡袋。70. A。推理判断题。由文中的dates can be chosen to suit your needs 可知,Private Departures 更加灵活,游客可自行决定出发日期。选做题参考答案及解析参考答案I. 1-5 DDABD 6-10 CBCAC11-15 BADCD 16-20 BCDBDII. 1-5DBBDD解析完形填空:话题:社会本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个回收利用旧物品的项目。1. D。由上文的hasgot used to recycling ...可知,回收旧物品对Thornebrooke 小学的学生来说已经成为一种“习惯(habit)”。2.D。3. A。由下文的pays the school for the oldproducts 可知,Thornebrooke 小学通过“回收(recycling)”旧物品“得到(earned)”了钱。4.B。通过回收旧物而获利是一种为学校“集资(raisingmoney)”的方式。5. D。由下文的Thecartridges are refilled and resold. Used electronics are made into new products可知,回收再利用可以为地球“节约(saving)”资源。6.C。学生们习惯了回收旧物品,说明他们已经“意识(realized)”到为地球节约资源。7. B。回收再利用是一件“正确的(right)”事情。8.C。由下文

的free boxes to send the collected materials by post 可知,Thornebrooke小学把回收的旧物品“ 寄给(mails)”FundingFactory。9. A。Thornebrooke 小学和FundingFactory是合作关系。学校寄东西,“反过来(in turn)”,公司为这些旧物品支付一定的费用。10. C。除了旧手机和旧的油墨盒,FundingFactory还“接受(accepts)”其它的电子产品。11. B。由下文的It provides freeposters ...and free boxes ... 可知,FundingFactory提供的便利使得学校很“容易(easy)”参与。12. A。学校给FundingFactory 邮寄回收的旧物品,从而得到新产品或者现金。either ... or ... 是固定搭配,“或……或……”。13. D。回收再利用旧物品的项目会对世界和未来“产生影响(making adifference)”。14. C。全社会可以共同合作是这些绿色项目传递的一个“重要的(important)”信息。15. D。FundingFactory 是一家接收学校邮递旧物品的公司,而当地的企业捐赠给学校旧产品。由此可知,通过Funding-Factory 项目,当地企业和学校建立了“联系(connections)”。16. B。FundingFactory 项目的目的是为了“帮助(help)”学校。17. C。由上文的their usedproducts 可知,被回收的东西都是企业准备“扔掉(throw away)”的。18. D。由Lewis has bought new equipment可知,学校通过FundingFactory 项目得到钱从而购买新设备。19. B。因为被当地媒体报道,故学生们对回收再利用感到“兴奋(excited)”。20. D。Feagin Mill 学校回收了本来要被当地企业扔掉的旧产品,而这是一件对环境保护有益的事情,故他们的努力是“与环境有关的(environmental)”


 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。

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