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简介1.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-快速阅读的技能和技巧2.提供一些高考英语阅读和完型的复习资料3.一篇高考难度的英语阅读4.高考英语任务型阅读常见词汇5.2022年广东高考英语试卷及答案解析Passage 1Up,Up,and Away!Anadventurer who became the first person to fly across the English Channel on aclu







Passage 1

Up,Up,and Away!

Anadventurer who became the first person to fly across the English Channel on aclusterof balloons has launched a house into the sky just like inthe hit movie Up-in reparation for a more ambitious journey and a new record.

FearlessTre,from North Carolina,stepped into the cartoon themed home before flying above the LeonInternational Balloon Festival in Mexico more than a week ago.

The38-year-old Tre was using the event as a warm-up for his plannedtrans-Atlantic flight scheduled for next summer.He aims to complete the 2,500-mile journey in a seven-foot lifeboat carried by 365 huge heliumballoons.

Thebre man is learning to sail a lifeboat,in case he needs to ditch intothe ocean during the danger-filled adventure.

Hesill fly at between 18,000 feet and 25,000 feet,beating his previous world altituderecord of 21,600 feet,and must fly uninterrupted a distance ten times longer than his previousworld record of 230 miles in order to succeed.

Theadventurer Tre,who holds records forcrossing the Alps,flying the most clusterballoons,and the longest distance,has spent his entire career,building up to thisambitious plan.

“Ididn’t wake up one day and think:‘I’ going to fly acrossthe Atlantic,’”he said.“Every attempt before this was prepared for this fight,I’ve been training for a long time”.

1.The adventurer flew acrossthe English Channel to__________.

A.test the balloons B.launch a house

C.shoot a hit movie D.prepare for breaking a record

2.To finish the journey,he will fly a distance of__________.

A.2500 miles B.18,000 feet C.25,000 feet D.230 miles

3.About the ambitiousjourney,which is NOT mentioned in thepassage?

A.When he will fly B.How high he sill fly

C.How far he will fly D.How long it will take him

4.How many world recordsdoes Jonathan hold?

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

5.What does he lastparagraph imply?

A.Tre can’t sleepworrying about the adventure

B.Tre was born to set world records

C.Tre always keeps his ambition in mind

D.Tre never thought of crossing the Atlanticbefore

Passage 2

Everyday we go to school and listen to the teacher,and the teacher will askus some questions.Sometimes,the classmates will ask your opinions of the work of the class.When you are telling others in the class what you he found out aboutthese topics,remember that they must be able tohear what you are saying.You are not taking part ina family conversation or hing a chat with friends---you are in a slightlyunnatural situation where a large group of people will remain silent,waiting to hear what you he to say.You must speak so thatthey can hear you---loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying toshout or earing to force yourself.

Remember,too,that it is the same if you are calledto an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a official who might meet you.The person you are seeingwill try to put you at your ease but the situation is somewhat different fromthat of a ordinary conversation.You must take special carethat you can be heard.

1.When you speak to theclass,you should speak ______.

A.as slowly as possible B.in a low voice C.loudly D.forcefully

2.Usually,when you speak to the class,the class is _______.

A.noisy B.quiet C.hing a rest D.serious

3 The situation in the class is ______ that in yourhouse.

A.not very different from B.sometimes the same as

C.sometimes not the same as D.not the same as

4.If you are hing aconversation with an official,the most important thingfor you is ______.

A.to show your ability B.to be very gentle

C.to make sure that you can be heard D.to put the official at ease

5.The main idea of thispassage is ______.

A.that we should talk indifferent ways in different situations

B.that we must speak loudly

C.that we must keep silent at any time

D.that we must talk with the class

Passage 3

About21,000 young people in 17 Americanstates do not attend classes in school buildings.

Instead,they receive their elementary and high school education by working athome on computers.The Center for EducationReform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools.” and that is about twice as many as two years ago.

The money for students to attend a cyberschoolcomes from the s of the states where they live.Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should supporttraditional public schools.They also say it isdifficult to know if students are learning well.

Other educators praise this new form of education for letting studentswork at their own speed.These people saycyberschools help students who were unhy or unsuccessful in traditionalschools.They say learning at home by computerends long bus rides for children who live far from school.

Whatever the judgement of cyberschools,they are getting more andmore popular.For example,a new cyberschool called Commonwealth Connections Academy will take instudents this fall.It will serve children inthe state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thir.

Children get free equipment for their online education.This includes a computer,a printer,books and technical services.Parents and students talkwith teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computers whennecessary.

Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another.But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania CyberCharter School recently met for the first time.They were guests of honorat their graduation.

1.What do we know from thetext about students of a cyberschool?

A.They he to take long bus rides toschool.

B.They study at home rather than inclassrooms.

C.They receive money from traditionalpublic schools.

D.They do well in traditional schoolprograms.

2.What is a problem withcyberschools?

A.Their equipment costs a lot of money.

B.They get little support from thestate .

C.It is hard to know students' progressin learning.

D.The students find it hard to makefriends.

3.Cyberschools are gettingpopular became _______.

A.they are less expensivefor students

B.their students can work at their own speed

C.their graduates are moresuccessful in society

D.they serve students in a wider age range

4.We can infer that theauthor of the text is _______.

A.unprejudiced in hisdescription of cyberschools

B.excited about the future ofcyberschools

C.douful about the qualityof cyberschoois

D.disointed at the development ofcyberschools



































跨越生词障碍可以通过猜测词义来解决。猜测词义的方法有很多,比如根据语境、定义标记词(means,refer to,?)、重复标记词(in other words,thatis to say,?)、列举标记词(for example,such as,?) 以及同位语、同义词、反义词或常识等。

例1:A middle-aged professor said that matter how much he ge her for the household expenses,she always ranshort.


例2:Prometheus stayed chained to the rock for many years.Then atlast the mighty Hercules came forth and broke the bonds.

在这段话中有前面的stayed chained作提示,还有我们熟知的希腊神话里的?被缚的普罗米修斯?以及大力神赫格拉斯解放普罗米修斯的故事,使我们很容易想到,bonds这个词一定是?锁链?。

例3:The tiny droplets that form on to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.


Some people to kill pain,in other words,it can help the patients'muscles relax during opera tion.


除了上述方法外还可根据构词法猜测词义。例如:child-childless(无子女的,-less表示?无), Marx-Marxism(马克思主义,-ism表示主义),large-enlarge(扩大,en-表示?使),tell-foret ell(预告,fore- 表示?前?),Australian+satellite?Aussate(澳星),state+run?state-run (国有的)等等。


A German told me that all over China will give you higher blood pressure.






(2)Can you read/phrase by phrase?(目光停2次)





Four weeks ago/I was late for work.

/I left my house/five minutes later than usual,/and I saw /my bus coming/toward the bus stop.

/I beganto run,/but I was too slow.

/I waited ten minutes/for another bus,/andIwas gasping for air/when it arrived.




以Watching Ants(详见统编教材高中英语第一册第14课)为例。文章一开始便开门见山?揭开石头便会发现一个蚁城?,使人立刻会想到这是一篇介绍蚂蚁习性的文章。紧接着那一段第一句便点明这段主旨:Whil e ants grow,theychange their form three times.(Topic sentence)下面各段分别介绍蚁后(the queen)、蚂蚁食(how to milk bugs)、蚁城饮食情况(how the wholecity is fed)以及相互交谈方式(taptal king)等,这便是这篇文章的 轮廓。 《高中英语语法-快速阅读的技能和技巧》由英语我整理,更多请访问:s://.liuxue86/english/



You are watching a film in which two men are hing a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck he isn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars of even catch fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks.There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar!But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntman' s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.

Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses he to perform some dangerous action. For nowadays there are stuntgirls tool

1. Stuntmen are those who ______.

A. often dress up as actors

B. prefer to lead dangerous lives

C. often perform seemingly dangerous actions

D. often fight each other for their lives

2. Stuntmen earn their living by ______.

A. playing their dirty tricks

B. selling their special skills

C.jumping out of high windows

D. jumping from fast moving trains

3. When a stuntman falls from a high building, ______.

A.he needs little protection

B. he will be covered with a mattress

C.his life is endangered

D. his safety is generally all right

4. Which of the following is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance?

A. Strength. B. Exactness. C. Speed. D. Carefulness.

5. What can be inferred from the author' s example of the Norwegian stuntman?

A.Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman.

B.The percentage of serious accidents is high.

C.Parachutes must be of good quality.

D. The cliff is too high.



Activity which was almost unknown to the learned in the early days of the history, while during the fifth century the term "reading" undouedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineth century did silent reading become popular.

One should be careful, however, of supposing that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is distraction (分散注意力) to others. Examination of reasons connected with the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.

The last century saw a gradual increase in literacy (读写能力) and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of listeners dropped, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the popularity of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, trains and offices, where reading aloud would disturb other readers in a way.

Towards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its advantages, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media (媒介) on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.

By the end of the century students were being advised to he some new ideas of books and to use skills in reading them which were not proper, if not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and technological developments in the century had greatly changed what the term "reading" referred to.

1. Why was reading aloud common before the nineth century?

A. Because silent reading had not been discovered.

B. Because there were few places for private reading.

C. Because few people could read for themselves.

D. Because people depended on reading for enjoyment.

2. The development of silent reading during the nineth century showed .

A. a change in the position of literate people

B. a change in the nature of reading

C. an increase in the number of books

D. an increase in the erage age of readers

3. Educationalists are still arguing about _________.

A. the importance of silent reading

B. the amount of information provided by books and newspapers

C. the effects of reading on health

D. the value of different types of reading material

4. What is the writer of this passage attempting to do?

A. To explain how present day reading habits developed.

B. To change people's way to read.

C. To show how reading methods he improved.

D. To encourage the growth of reading.



In some ways, the United States has made some progress. Fires no longer destroy 18,000 buildings as they did in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, or kill half a town of 2,400 people, as they did the same night in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. Other than the Beverly Hill Supper Club fire in Kentucky in 17, it has been four decades since more than 100 Americans died in a fire.

But even with such successes, the United States still has one of the worst fire death rates in the world. Safety experts say the problem is neither money nor technology, but the indifference(无所谓) of a country that just will not take fires seriously enough.

American fire departments are some of the world's fastest and best-equipped. They he to be. The United States has twice Japan's population, and 40 times as many fires. It spends far less on preventing fires than on fighting them. And American fire -safety lessons are aimed almost entirely at children, who die in large numbers in fires but who, against popular beliefs, start very few of them.

Experts say the error is an opinion that fires are not really anyone's fault. That is not so in other countries, where both public education and the law treat fires as either a personal failing or a crime(罪行). Japan has many wood houses; of the 48 fires in world history that burned more than 10,000 buildings, Japan has had 27. Punishment for causing a big fire can be as severe as life imprisonment.

In the United States, most education dollars are spent in elementary schools. But, the lessons are aimed at too limited a number of people; just 9 percent of all fire deaths are caused by children playing with matches.

The United States continues to depend more on technology than laws or social pressure. There are smoke detectors in 85 percent of all homes. Some local building laws now require home sprinklers (喷水装置). New heaters and irons shut themselves off if they are tipped.

1. The reason why so many Americans die in fires is that _____.

A. they took no interest in new technology

B. they did not pay great attention to preventing fires

C. they showed indifference to fighting fires

D. they did not spend enough money on fire equipment

2. It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. fire safety lessons should not be aimed only at American children

B. American children he not received enough education of fire safety lessons

C. Japan is better equipped with fire equipment than the United States

D. America's large population leads to more fires

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. There has been no great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that leads to high death rate.

B. There he been several great fires in the USA in recent 40 years that lead to high death rate.

C. There has been only one great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that led to high death rate.

D. The fire in Kentucky in 17 made only a few people killed.



Nuclear power's(核能的) danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be described in one word; radiation(辐射).

Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it, partly because it cannot be detected (探测) by human senses. It can't be seen or heard, or touched or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio wes are all around us but we can't detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio wes, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.

At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells (细胞) in important organs (器官). But even the lowest levels can do serious damage. There is no level of radiation that is completely safe. If the radiation does not hit anything important, the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit, and if they are killed outright. Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones. But if the few cells are only damaged, and if they reproduce themselves, you may be in trouble. They reproduce themselves in an unusual way. They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.

This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation. Serious damage can be done without the knowledge of the person at the time that damage has occurred. A person can be irradiated(放射治疗) and feel fine, then die of cancer five, ten, or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak or easy to get serious illness as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.

Radiation can hurt us. We must know the truth.

1. According to the passage, the danger of nuclear power lies in __________.

A. nuclear mystery B. radiation detection

C. radiation level D. nuclear radiation

2. Radiation can lead to serious results even at the lowest level ________.

A. when it kills few cells

B. if it damages few cells

C. though the damaged cells can repair themselves

D. unless the damaged cells can reproduce themselves

3. Radiation can hurt us in the way that it can _____.

A. kill large numbers of cells in main organs so as to cause death immediately

B. damage cells which may grow into cancer years later

C. affect the healthy growth of our younger generation

D. lead to all of the above results

4. Which of the following can be best inferred from the passage?

A. The importance of protection from radiation cannot be overemphasized (过分强调).

B. The mystery about radiation remains unsolved.

C. Cancer is mainly caused by radiation.

D. Radiation can hurt those who do not know about its danger.

KEY: 1- 4 DBDA


Today is the date of that afternoon in April a year ago when I first saw the strange and attractive doll(玩具娃娃)in the window of Abe Sheftel's toy shop on Third Avenue near Fifth Street, just around the corner from my office, where the plate on the door reads. Dr Samuel Amory. I remember just how it was that day: the first sign of spring floated across the East River, mixing with the soft - coal smoke from the factories and the street smells of the poor neighbourhood. As I turned the corner on my way to work and came to Sheftel's, I was made once more known of the poor collection of toys in the dusty window, and I remembered the coming birthday of a small niece of mine in Cleveland, to whom I was in the habit of sending small gifts. Therefore, I stopped and examined the window to see if there might be anything suitable, and looked at the collection of unattractive objects--a red toy fire engine, some lead soldiers, cheap baseballs, bottles of ink, pens, yellowed envelopes, and advertisements for soft - drinks. And thus it was that my eyes finally came to rest upon the doll stored away in one corner, a doll with the strangest, most charming expression on her face. I could not wholly make her out, due to the shadows and the film of dust through which I was looking, but I was sure that a deep impression had been made upon me as though I had run into a person, as one does sometimes with a stranger, with whose personality one is deeply impressed.

1. What made an impression on the author?

A. The doll's unusual face.

B. The collection of toys.

C. A stranger he met at the store.

D. The beauty and size of the doll.

2. Why does the author mention his niece?

A. She likes dolls.

B. The doll looks like her.

C. She lives near Sheftel's.

D. He was looking for a gift for her.

3. Why did the writer go past Sheftel's?

A. He was on his way to school.

B. He was looking for a present for his niece.

C. He wanted to buy some envelopes.

D. None of the above is right.

4. The story takes place in the ______.

A. early summer B. early spring

C. midsummer D. late spring



Technology is the lication (应用)of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we he been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods he helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For most of us in America, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can he cars and television sets. However, technology has also increased the amount of food ailable (有用的)to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animalbreeding techniques, and has extended our life span via()medical technology.

Will mankind continue to live longer and he a higher quality of life? In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely. If we keep making progress as we he over the past fifty years, the answer is definitely yes. The advancement of technology depends upon research and development, and the latest statistics (统计) show that the united States is continuing to pump billions of dollars annually(每年) into such efforts. So while we are running out of some scarce resources (少的) we may well find technological substitutes (代用品) for many of them through our research programs.

Therefore, in the final analysis the three major factors of production (land, labor and capital) are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills on techniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.

1. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The definition of technology

B. Modern technology

C. The lication of technology

D. The development of technology

2. From the passage, we can infer that this article is probably _________.

A. a part of the introduction to American business

B. followed by the passage talking about factors of production

C. taken from a learned journal

D. Both A and B

3. Which is the main idea of the passage?

A. Modern technology is the key to the improvement of standard of living.

B. The three major factors of production-land, labor and capital are all influenced by technology.

C. Technology is the response to our needs.

D. The United States is making great efforts to advance its technology.

4. According to the passage, people can live a long life with the help of _________.

A. higer quality of life

B. medical technology

C. modem farming machinery

D. technological substitute



The volcano is one of the most surprising frightening forces of nature. Maybe you he seen pictures of these“fireworks”of nature. Sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain. It looks like a “river of tire.”Sometimes volcanoes explode, throwing the melted rock and ashes(灰)high into the air. But where does this melted rock come from?

The earth is made up of many layers(层). The top layer that we see is called the crust. Under the crust are many layers of hard rock. But far, far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft. In some places it even melts. The melted rock is called magma. Sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks(爆裂声)in the crust. These cracks are volcanoes.

Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes. But not every mountain is a volcano. A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes. The hot magma, or la as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth. Over thousands of years, this pile of cooled la can grow to be very, very big. For example, the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, is a volcano. It towers more than 16,000 feet above the ground around it.

1.The underlined word“erupts”means .

A. moves down B. breaks away

C. builds up D. suddenly throws out la

2.Which words in the passage he the same meaning as “melted rock”?

A.“Volcano”and“explode”. B.“Crust”and“hard rock”

C.“magma”and“la” D.“Volcano”and“magma”

3.Which is the correct order of the layers of the earth(beginning with the top layer)?

A. crust-hard rock-magma-soft rock

B. crust-hard rock- soft rock-magma

C. magma-soft rock- hard rock-crust

D. volcano-cracks-magma-crust

4.The best title(标题) of the passage should be u.

A. The Volcano B. Kilimanjaro Volcano

C. The Mountains D. The Melted Rock




Name/AddressNo. of RoomsSingleDoubleSpecial Attractions

FIRST HOTEL 222 Edward Road

Tel.414-6433120$25$35Air-conditioned rooms,

French restaurant,

Night club,

Swimming-pool, Shops,

Coffee shop and bar,

Telephone, radio and

TV in each room,

Close to the city center


129 North Road

Tel.591-562050$12$18Close to the air-port, Telephone

In each room, Bar, Restaurant,

Garage, Swimming-pool


233 Edward Road

Tel.641-6646120$15$20Facing First hotel,

European restaurant,

Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning,

Shops, tv, night-club


1264 Venning Road

Tel.643-820180$30$50Air-Conditioned rooms,

Japanese and

Chinese restaurants, Shops,

Swimming-pool, Large garden

1.The number of the rooms in the best hotels in Boswell is .

A. 120 B. 470 C. 450 D. 240

2.If a Japanese treler likes to eat in French restaurant, is the right place for him to go to.

A. 233 Edward Road B. 1264 Venning Road

C. 222 Edward Road D. 129 North Road

3.Which hotel faces the Orchard hotel?

A. The First hotel. B. The Osaka hotel.

C. The Fairview Hotel. D. No hotel.



最近,显然成功的,通过预测厄尔尼诺现象出现的一个数学模型 - 温暖的海洋流周期性沿南美洲太平洋沿岸的研究人员开发出具有兴奋。雅各比耶克内斯在几年前指出如何大风或可能造成不正常或异常温暖的冷水中东部赤道(赤道附近的)太平洋。然而,在这些模型的建立,没有人能够解释为什么要经常变化的条件之间的温暖厄尔尼诺和所谓的反厄尔尼诺亮相。答案,至少如果目前的模式,联系了海洋对大气的行为是正确的,是要在海洋中发现。


当波浪满足西部边界,他们反映,该模型预测,Rossby波将成为许多沿海开尔文带着同样的消极海平面信号波打破。这些对最终拍摄赤道,然后向东沿头部由地球驱车在约250公里的速度每天赤道。当有足够多足够的幅度(振幅)开尔文波从西太平洋到达,但其负面海平面信号克服了反馈机制,提高海平面,他们开始开车到对面的冷模系统。这就产生了风,最终将派遣一个积极的海平面Rossby波向西,波浪,最终将返回为冷周期 - 积极开尔文波结束另一个开始逐渐变暖周期变化。


原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence

异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage


观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards

评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment

表方式、方法:means , way , method (of) ; solution , roach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth.

目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic

建议: advice [u] , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: summary , conclusion

特点: feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class

精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically 影响 : influence , impact , effect (on )

情形 ,状况 : situation,condition 建立:build , create , establish , found

出现:ear ,occur(red) 实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish

必要,必需 : must /necessity 方面,项目条款:item / aspect

材料 : materials 知识消息:knowledge / information

日程 : schedule / agenda 百分比:percentage

性别 : 年龄 : age

满意 :satisfaction 忧虑,担忧,焦急 : concern

(不)熟悉 :familiar /unfamiliar 个人,个人的: individual

细节 :description , detail 文化 : culture

责任 : (take) responsibility 贡献 : (make) contributions to

重要 : value importance significance 比较 : contrast comparison

时期 : period / time 存在 : existence exist

花费 : cost / expense 人口 : population

天气与气候 : weather[u] / climate [c] 位置 : location

主题 : theme 背景 : setting,background

情节 : plot 高潮 : climax

结尾 :ending 反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent


1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades

2. take advantage of = make use of

3. parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents

4. oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with

5. consider … = take … into consideration / account

6. at the beginning = at first

7. be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for

8. since the beginning of human evolution = throughout human history

9. Americans he been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities. = Americans he been migrating south and west for decades, seeking a better job. / searching /looking for a better job.

10. housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected with housing

11. take an active part in = take part in sth. actively

12. encourage participation in quiet activities = encourage children to participate in / take part in/ play a role in quite activities

13. be hooked on headphones = be addicted to headphones

14.valuable information = information of great value

15.understand clearly = he a clear understanding of sth.

16.affect = he an effect / influence / impact on sth.

17.matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference

18. kills sb. = sth. costs sb. sth. = claim one’s life

19. make an apology = apologize to sb.

20.be over = end = put …to an end

21.despite = in spite of

22. share less than 2% = account for less than 2%= make up

23.online = on the Internet

24.learn good citizenship = learn to be good citizens

25.list the things that you are good at = list what / all you are good at

26.explain sth. = make an explanation

27.offer sth. to sb. = provide / supply sth. for sb.

28.besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from

29. be better than = be superior to

30. rove of = subscribe to = be in for / support of = for sth.

31.he access to = be acceptable / accessible / ailable to

32.stop = quit = give up

33pensate for = make up for

34.in part = partly

35.every year = yearly = annually

36.use up = run out of (主动)

37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)

38.be accused of = be charged with

39.most of the people = the majority of the people

40.cater to /for one’s needs / demands /requirements = satisfy / meet one’s ….

41.starve to death = die of hunger/ starvation

42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary

43.socially responsible = social responsibility

44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth .

45mit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.

46.make full use of = make the most of





高考 英语阅读 题有哪些技巧


这个非常非常重要,如果你找到一种准确率又高,又没有郁闷感的做题顺序,那你遇到陌生阅读题的心理陌生感会降低,并且有条理的能把它做出来。我 说说 我的做题顺序把。首先,拿到一篇阅读,直接去看问题,但是记住,千万不能看选项。只能看问题,而且是看清楚就行,不要太仔细看。看题目的顺序就是从1到4,不要捣乱顺序。然后就要开始读 文章 了,读文章之前,你要根据你看过的问题和一眼看到文章及其题目,来简要判断下这篇文章是属于那种类型,如果是叙事型,有叙事型的做法,如果是说明型,也有说明型的做法,但主要是根据难易来区分做法。之后我会详细说的。具体怎么读文章,等下我详细讲,读完文章然后就开始做题。做题中时不时的回到原文找找答案,对比。顺序差不多就是先看题,然后读文章,然后做题。但记住先看题的时候不要看选项。






那么怎么来保证心情的轻松和做题的信心呢?首先我们得明白是什么东西把心情搞坏的,显然,是生词和生句。那么,怎么把生词生句解决掉呢?我的办法就是印象惯性发,利用印象初速度,直接掠过生词生句,用速度来产生印象的衔接,从而大体判断出词句的意思,从而有效的解决了生词生句的羁绊,会让我们的心情保持轻松。如果你速度慢了,就会导致你的眼睛看到了这个生词的每一个字母,无形中,会把你套进去,你就会停下来考虑这个词的意思,但 英语单词 没有形象含义,你想破脑袋,不知道就是不知道,只会让你想把卷子撕了。所以速度在这里尤为重要,我反复强调加速减速,因为速度这个东西,真的可以让英语阅读产生出捷径。









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